How to Clear Configuration Manager Cache

In this article, we’ll demonstrate how to clear Configuration Manager cache. If you experience issues installing applications, packages from Software Center, clearing the SCCM client cache helps.

The default location for the Configuration Manager client cache is %windir%\ccmcache and the default disk space is 5120 MB. The SCCM client cache stores temporary files for when clients install applications and programs. If this cache becomes full, the new application installations will fail.

Manually clearing the CCMCache folder or using a PS script should be avoided, as it could cause issues with the Configuration Manager client. Instead, it is recommended that the ConfigMgr administrators prioritize increasing the size of the client cache through the use of client settings.

Steps to clear Configuration Manager Cache

If you have insufficient disk space for a deployment, you can manually delete the files in the cache using the following procedure:

Step 1: On the Windows client, open the Control Panel and select System and Security. From the list of items, select Configuration Manager. You may launch the SCCM control panel item by running the shortcut command control smscfgrc.

Clear Configuration Manager Cache
Clear Configuration Manager Cache

Step 2: On the Configuration Manager client properties, switch to the Cache tab. Click on the Configure Settings button and to delete the files in the cache folder, choose Delete Files.

Clear Configuration Manager Cache
Clear Configuration Manager Cache

Step 3: On the Confirm Delete Files window, checkbox the option Delete persisted cache content and select Yes.

Clear Configuration Manager Cache
Clear Configuration Manager Cache

Thank you for reading, we hope the steps helped you to remove outdated content from the CCM Cache folder. If you enjoyed it, please like and share this article, tagging CloudGuides.

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